Greatest Gift

Bowel Cancer UK
Gift in Wills campaign

Finding warmth, hope and inspiration in legacy giving.

What we did

Key messaging
Video production
Case studies

How could Bowel Cancer UK inspire more people to leave them a gift in their Will? Our answer: to make its legacy programme as vibrant, hopeful and inspiring as the charity’s ordinary fundraising activities.

We’d just created a successful rebrand for the charity’s Star of Hope in-memorium products. This time, we needed to create an engaging, creative concept – followed by messaging, a campaign video series, guide and legacy booklet.

The charity project team came down to Brighton for a super-productive brainstorm where we nailed down the goal, CTA and (most importantly) the feeling of the campaign and video. We then went away and worked up different concepts.

Your Greatest Gift proved a winner from the start. It’s all about the intangible ‘gifts’ we receive from the people who love us most in our lifetime – and the life-changing gifts we can give to future generations through our Wills. It’s personal, hopeful and inspirational.

Soon after came a thorough messaging framework, split into four core themes.

We then moved onto creating the campaign content. 

We interviewed our case studies to hear how their stories can be included in the (what was always going to be) incredibly emotional campaign video, with additional case study videos.

Our crew captured beautiful photography on the day too, which we added to the informative guide and leaflet duo. 

A campaign is only as strong as the people in it. We are so grateful to Chris, Charlie, Sarah and Sarah’s family for trusting us with their stories and family photos, being so open and (for Sarah’s family) welcoming us – and a crew – into their home.

Thanks to…

Kerry, Matt, Ryan & Sarah for being so brilliant to work with. Sarah, Sarah’s family, Chris, Charlie for sharing your story.

Meghna, Piotr & Rich for creating a wonderful atmosphere on set and beautiful videos. 

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